Carrot Burfi

20 Dic

This is another of the dishes I made with my friend Rosani.  This is actually her recipe, and she’s super excited to be published via this blog.

This is a very nutritious and healthy dessert she had originally on her first trip to India.  It’s traditionally made with carrots, ghee and powdered milk.  Our version is trying to be dairy free, and I say trying because we ended up adding evaporated milk for the mixture to get the consistency we wanted.  And I will be TRUE to the recipe we actually did, which ended up super delicious.  I guess you at home can follow our example of just go with the dairy-free version… I’ll tell you where to adjust.

 Again, we did this for a crowd… so I am using a recipe I found on the Internet to guide me with the quantities.



4 medium-sized carrots, finely shredded
2  cups of sugar
1/2 pint of soy creamer
1/2 carton of evaporated milk
2 tablespoons of ghee or clarified unsalted butter
1/2 cup of shredded coconut
1 teaspoon of cardamom (optional, it’s traditional, but we didn’t use it on our version)

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** If making the recipe dairy-free, use 1 pint of soy creamer and omit the evaporated milk all-together.

  1. In a large skillet, cook the grated carrots and sugar, covered for about 20 minutes.
  2. Add the grated coconut, soy creamer and evaporated milk, if using.  Stir often to avoid it to sticking to the bottom.
  3.  p1010833.jpg
  4. Stir in the ghee and mix in the cardamom, if using.
  5. p1010842.jpg
  6. Cook over medium heat until the mixture has absorbed most of the liquid and when a spoon is scraped across the mixture, you can see the bottom of the skillet.
  7. Spread in a baking dish to cool off.
  8. Spoon into dessert dishes and enjoy.

3 respuestas to “Carrot Burfi”

  1. fallenangel65 diciembre 20, 2007 a 8:37 pm #

    This sounds great – but it also sounds like it could be used for a breakfast as well as dessert.

    First – I love cardamom. It is one of my favorite spices – but I am wondering if you experiment a little – add a little cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and serve over oatmeal. I don’t like the flavor of plain oatmeal – I think it tastes like paste but adding honey or brown sugar kind of defeats the purpose of trying to eat healthy.

    I also love playing with recipes and seeing what you can add, leave out and change – kind of like buying four pieces of clothes and seeing how many different outfits you can get out of them. 😉

  2. fallenangel65 diciembre 20, 2007 a 8:41 pm #

    PS – my ex is from Morocco and one of their salads was simply shredded carrots, cinnamon, raisins and the juice of large orange. You could even add a little zest. The flavors are really bright and crisp. You can pretty much mix and match – if you don’t like raisins – try dried cranberries or even pomegrantes would work.

  3. karmafreecooking diciembre 21, 2007 a 3:18 pm #

    Mmmmm!1 – Fallenangel, I’m going to recruit you as an on-going contributor to this blog… your ideas are really good and make my mouth water…

    If you feel like it – forward me some of your ideas or recipes, and I can include them here.

    Thanks, Madelyn.

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